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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
THE WOLF AND THE SHEEP (#119) Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray Humans, when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life. ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. THE WOLF AND THE SHEEP A wolf is a wolf even though he may wrongly think he is a sheep. If he thinks he is a sheep and tries to be a sheep, he will be a very bad sheep. He will be unhappy and never be satisfied because he is trying to go against his nature that God-As-He-Truly-Is (GAHTI or God) has written in him. He can only be happy by being what he truly is. Take understanding from this, you who deny these truths and who mock God and His believers. CHILDREN GAHTI loves life and He loves the children of the people He has selected--White people. It is pleasing to Him to look upon a land that is teeming with His children and it is not pleasing to Him to look upon a barren land or barren people. Say to those Whites who are intentionally barren: ‘Get away from us, for you are evil and you are useless. You are full of death and decay. Your presence is an affront to GAHTI. He chooses to surround Himself with Whites who are full of life and growth. Blow away as the dead leaves of autumn, you foolish childless ones. You are evil in the eyes of GAHTI for you were given precious White life so you could carry and spread GAHTI'S sacred White Essence through your seed and your eggs, but you have not done so and in this have you disobeyed GAHTI. You shall have no eternal life in any form. You are nothing more than the dust under foot. You are dead though you still breathe. Your primary purpose in life is to make more like yourself by mating only with those like you and producing as many pure White children as your body can provide during a long and healthy life.’ Say to those Whites who have many children with the Essence: ‘You are beloved of GAHTI and even if you do not otherwise do as these revelations command, you are holier than most and you shall live forever so long as your pure White children and their pure White children and their pure White children through the ages to come are believers. But should your children or their children or their children through the ages fall away from belief and become one with the others, then you shall die.’ The people ask: ‘What is the proper age that is set by GAHTI for us to have children?” Answer them thus in His name: It is written in your Essence. It is the age when your body can have children. Honor not the false laws of man in this or any other regard. Man lies, GAHTI does not. Serve GAHTI always and man never. WILL YOUR EVOLUTION GAHTI has set you on the path to perfection. You must walk the path. Do not believe the science of man when it conflicts with His truths for such science is false. GAHTI is the source of all true science. You can improve your Essence if you have right blood and then have right belief and right actions. Each birth can make your line purer or less pure or the same. Seek to obtain more of the right blood so that your line’s Essence is more sensitive to right belief and right actions. You must avoid all substances that will harm your Essence. If your body is harmed, your Essence is also harmed. Your people have polluted the Essence through many means including sinful mating with non-Whites. This has caused you to fall from the path. Believers alone among all humans have the right guide to remove the pollution. JOIN TOGETHER Believers are to join together to worship GAHTI whenever this is possible. Build circles open to the sky where this can be done and have standing stones that the believers may touch and surround yourself with His living plants that grow naturally and do not seek to make these things orderly, but let them be wild. In the wild spontaneous growth and the struggle to exist, does He find beauty and there is order in seeming disorder and if you cannot see it, it is because you are too close. All that is, spirals. So too do the wild growing things. They make a pattern with His invisible hand that He can see and which He loves. His life force is in the spiral forms and shapes. THE ROSE GAHTI has given you flesh and genes and all the things of substance and He has put in them all your senses so that you may do His will. So, why are you so easily led astray by evil doers who tell you that flesh must be denied and that your senses don’t matter? Why do you so easily believe that you have a separate spirit within you that is the real you? GAHTI knows the answer. You are not totally to blame, and that is why He is compassionate toward you when you go astray. Your ability to be led astray is a natural part of the brains He has given you. He has given you brains that allow you to think for yourselves in many ways and these brains that He has given you can think good thoughts and they can think bad thoughts and they can lead you to Him or they can lead you away from Him. In giving you such brains He knew these things because He made your brains as He wanted them made. In lifting you above other creatures, He wanted you to be able to ponder and reflect and think about things beyond the basic things needed for survival. He wanted to create you so that you would find your way up and so that you too could create with a minimum of instruction from Him. He wanted you to be self-reliant. It is His will to come now to help you make corrections to your trajectory. He has given you these words so that you can understand a little of His plan and so that you can do as He wishes you to do of your own choice and so that you may steer your destiny on the right path. He does this, because He knows your limitations and your faults. You can follow His plan of your own free will and become more, or you can go on other paths that will lead to your destruction. Foolish are those who teach evil things about the spirit and try to make you overcome the flesh that He has given you, while pretending that they are not evil. They try to lead you off the true path and into evil by their lies. He shall punish such ones for the evil they do. Say to these evil ones: Saying that the spirit is the real you would be like saying the scent of a rose is the real rose. If you want a sweeter smelling rose, you do not work directly on the scent in the air, but on the rose itself. A healthy, youthful rose will naturally have a pleasant scent. Purify the physical and all that arises from the physical will be purified. The song of a song bird is not the bird. SEPARATE You Whites are the Selected. Tell the White believers that they are to be separated out from the non-Whites and make between Whites and non-Whites barriers that none may cross. GAHTI wants His people pure so that they may do His work. You are to serve only Him. You are to purify by being only around Whites. At times and in places where complete separation is not possible, keep your homes and your temples pure and allow no humans without the Essence to enter therein for their presence is a sacrilege and an abomination. If this happens, you must immediately purify the polluted areas with water and soap and bleach. The very air itself in such places is polluted by others and must be cleaned by passing much air through the area. You carry sacred seeds and sacred eggs within your bodies that must be joined to bring forth more of you in great numbers so that non-believers will envy you for the sheer numbers that you bring forth of roiling, turbulent, chaotic life just like you. FYLFOT & SPIRALS Take this symbol, this Fylfot, Swastikas, Spirals and display them so that GAHTI may see you as one who obeys Him and respects Him. And, if evil doers persecute you for bearing His symbols, they prove thereby that they are enemies both of God-As-He-Truly-Is and believers and they must not be tolerated. Woe be to them who do this. GAHTI does not forget and He does not let wrongs go unpunished. If the haters demand that you not wear these sacred symbols on your skin or rings or clothes or pendants or bracelets do not do as they wish. Holy are they who tattoo or brand or carve this symbol into your flesh so that all may see and know them as holy and obedient to GAHTI. You will be known as righteous and GAHTI will protect you all the days of your life. Gaze upon His symbols in times of stress and weakness and it shall give you strength. Do not be caught without this symbol upon you. When GAHTI gazes over the worlds of man and when He sends His Shining Ones to destroy the evildoers, He shall look for His symbols. Do not be where these symbols are not to be seen. Put them upon your homes and your bodies and your vehicles so that you shall be spared. Who would deny you these symbols, would harm GAHTI's people. Holy are believers who avenge all wrongs against Him to the tenth degree. The spiraling symbols are His sacred symbols in motion. They are the active representation of His Sacred Spiral. Where they are, He is. The people of the blood who do not yet believe watch the early believers with a mixture or curiosity and foreboding as they watch a man dangling from a bridge. ‘Will he fall? They say. ‘Surely he can’t survive.’ But when the man falls, he is not harmed if he believes in GAHTI. For He will cushion his fall if he is of pure heart and has followed what He has told him to follow. Wicked people will perish by the hundreds of millions before His wrath and they shall be as a manure heap upon which new life shall feed. He shall send the four armed wheel in the storm and in fire to the lands where evildoers dwell and it shall cut down the evil doers right before your eyes. And, the people of the blood who are still non-believers shall come out of their homes and they shall prostrate themselves on the ground and beg for forgiveness for their little faith. Wait not for His wrath to fall upon those who hate Him and His believers for He has anointed you as His representatives to do in your sphere where He has set you, as He does for all spheres. If any have it in their minds and hearts to harm believers, then suffer them not, but stop them before they can act. Those who speak out against believers or who agitate against them or incite against them in order to harm them are as evil and guilty by their own acts of hate as those who actually harm believers. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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